Sheep Raising
Ever since I can remember, my family has raised sheep. When I was little we had about 10 white-face sheep. My mom also grew up raising sheep and even went to shearing school. In the late spring she would shear them, gather their wool and sell it for people to spin. When I turned 9, I joined 4-H and spent 10 years growing, learning and transforming our sheep hobby into a full-time lifestyle. Through the years we developed our breeding stock substantially. Currently, we have 25 Suffolk/Hampshire cross ewes and three rams and have even invested in some boer meat goats as well. Every year our lamb crop is sold to 4-H and FFA kids in the Pacific Northwest region that are either Our main goal is to continue to better our herd through selection and breeding so that we can be competitive regionally while maintaining great relations with those in and out of livestock raising. Our hope is that by getting our name out there and being involved at the county fair, we can help the future generations of agriculturists begin raising sheep, sell quality market lambs and in general educate the public about the livestock industry.